
Able Batch Image Converter - Web Online Help

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Command Line

It is possible to perform Able Batch Image Converter commands from the command line.

Command line string:

ablebatchconverter.exe /inputfile=inputfilename /outputfile=outputfilename /options

Where are:

1) inputfilename - full path to input file(s) (e.g /inputfile="e:\temp\test.pdf" or /inputfile="e:\temp\*.pdf")

You can use /withoutsubfolders parameter. (e.g /inputfile="e:\temp\*.tif" /withoutsubfolders)

2) outputfilename - full path to output file(s)  (e.g. /outputfile="c:\temp\test1.jpg" or /outputfile="c:\temp\*.jpg")

3) Available options:




/resize, /dpi, /color, /changecolor, /deskewing, /autocrop, /autocrop2

/prefix, /suffix, /text, /rotate , /deskewingfine

Output format settings:

/tiff, /jpeg, /gif, /pdfpapersize

Service settings:

/foldertree, /pages, /overwrite, /notoverwrite, /hide, /deleteorig, /savemultipage


ablebatchconverter.exe /inputfile="e:\temp\test.pdf" /outputfile="c:\temp\test1.jpg"

Convert file: 'e:\temp\test.pdf' to 'c:\temp\test1.jpg'

Actions list loading: /actlist="YourActionsList"

Examples: /actlist="E:\TEMP\actlist1.actl"

You can create "YourActionsList" in the program.

Start the program

Actions tab

Add | action1


Add | last action

Press "Save List" button and type filename

Resize command: /resize=(w;h;u;ir;rc;wc;hc;sc;aa;rf)

  w - new width

  h - new height

 to maintain the image aspect ratio set only one size, assigning -1 to the other


   u - units:

 0 - Pixel

 1 - Inch

 2 - Mm

 3 - Percent

  ir - image ratio (0 or 1) (0 - false, 1 - true)

  rc - resize condition (0...4)

 0 - All images

 1 - If image Larger than

 2 - If image Smaller than

 3 - If image in Landscape mode

 4 - If image in Portrait mode

 5 - If File size Larger than

 6 - If File size Smaller than

 7 - If File size Wider than

 8 - If File size Higher than

   wc - width condition (for resize condition = 1 or 2, otherwise wc = 0)

   hc - height condition (for resize condition = 1 or 2, otherwise hc = 0)

   sc - size condition, kB (for resize condition = 5 or 6, otherwise sc = 0)

   aa - antialiasing (0 - off, 1 - on)

   rf - resample filter

 0 - None

 1 - Triangle (speed)

 2 - Hermite (quality)

 3 - Bell (quality)

 4 - BSpline (quality)

 5 - Lanczos3 (quality)

 6 - Mitchell (quality)

 7 - Nearest (quality)

 8 - Linear (speed)

 9 - FastLinear (speed)

 10 - Bilinear (quality)

 11 - Bicubic (quality)


 Resample filter = 0 (None) if Antialiasing = 0 (off)

 Resample filter = 1-11 if Antialiasing = 1 (on)

Examples: /resize=(800;600;0;1;0;0;0;0;1;10)


DPI settings: /dpi=(dpiXY;Resize)

 dpiXY : specifies the horizontal and vertical resolution (dots per inch)


 1 - allows to resize image after resolution changing

 0 - without resizing, new resolution value only.

Example: /dpi=(200;0)

Color Depth settings: /color=(ColorDepth)

ColorDepth : specifies the color depth

 1 : 24bit (16,777,216 colors)

 2 : 8bit (256 colors)

 3 : Gray

 4 : Black-White (Ordered method)

 5 : Black-White (Floyd Steinberg method)

 6 : 32bit

 7 : 16bit (color)

 8 : 16bit (gray)

 9 : 4bit (16 colors)

Example: /color=(1)

Converting to 24 bit


Use this method to force color OldColor to be equal to NewColor.

OldColor - RGB format (0-0-0 ... 255-255-255)

NewColor - RGB format (0-0-0 ... 255-255-255)

Example: /changecolor=(255-255-255;255-0-128)

This parameter change white color to red.

Deskewing estimates the orientation angle of the lines of text and rotates the current image.

Apply this action only to images that contains printed text.


   ar - Angle Range specifies the working range in degrees. Low values enhance performance and accuracy.

 For example specifying 30 Deskewing will scan the image searching for pixels inside a range of -15 to 15 degrees.

 Angle Range can be from 1 to 180.

  pr - Precision specifies the angle precision in degrees. It must be >0 and <=1 with only one decimal digit. Typical value is 0.1.

  ed - Edge Detect specifies if to apply and edge detect algorithm before detect the orientation. (0 - false, 1 - true)

   cr - Crop after deskewing (0 - false, 1 - true)

Examples: /deskewing=(30;0.1;1;0)

Auto Crop removes the border with color like Background Color from the image borders.

The Tolerance specifies how much background color must be equal to actual pixel.

Auto allows to determine the background color automatically.

Margins parameter allows to add (remove) margins.


   bc - background color (0 - black, 16777215 - white)

   to - tolerance;

   au - auto-color;

   ma - margins;

Examples: /autocrop=(0;10;1;20)

Auto Crop 2 automatically removes the border using a density analysis algorithm.

Border Rate is the difference between border and text.

This method works only when paper is white and text is black.

Margins parameter allows to add (remove) margins.


   br - border rate;

   ma - margins;

Examples: /autocrop2=(6;0)


This parameter allows to save the output images using the same folder tree structure as the source (original) images.


This parameter allows to work with requested pages in multipage document.

n : page number

Example: /pages=(1;3;5)


Save multipage file into PDF, PS, AVI, GIF, TIF, DCX format as ...

m : values

 0 - Several one-page files

 1 - Multipage file

Example: /savemultipage=(1)


This parameter allows to force an overwrite of the output file if it exists.


This parameter does not allow to force an overwrite of the output file if it exists.


Use this parameter if not want to display the application in the task bar


This parameter allows to delete original files after conversion

TIF (TIFF) format settings: /tiff=(c;p)

c : compression (0..8)


 1 : CCITT1D

 2 : G3FAX1D

 3 : G3FAX2D

 4 : G4FAX

 5 : LZW

 6 : JPEG


 8 : ZIP

p : photometric (0..7)



 2 : RGB



 5 : CMYK

 6 : YCBCR


Example: /tiff=(6;2)


You can use LZW, JPEG and PACKBITS compression with Color images,

and CCITT1D, G3FAX, G4FAX, LZW and PACKBITS compression with Black-and-White images.

JPEG (JPG) format settings: /jpeg=(c;d;o;p;q;s)

c : color space (0..4)

 0 : JPEG_RGB - separate RGB channels

 1 : JPEG_GRAYLEV - unique intensity channel (gray levels)

 2 : JPEG_YCbCr - three channels (CCIR Recommendation 601-1)

 3 : JPEG_CMYK - four channels (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) - linear convertion

 4 : JPEG_YCbCrK - four channels (YCbCr and Black)

d : DCT method (0..2)

 0 : ISLOW - slow but accurate integer algorithm

 1 : IFAST - faster, less accurate integer method

 2 : FLOAT - floating-point method (machine dependent)

o : optimal huffman (0..1)

 0 : do not use

 1 : use it

p : progressive (0..1)

 0 : do not use

 1 : use it

q : image quality (0..100)

 High values produce better image quality but require more disk space.

s : smoothing factor (0..100)

 If value is not zero, the jpeg compressor smooth the image before compress it.

Example: /jpeg=(1;2;1;0;80;10)

GIF format settings: /gif=(f;c;i;v)

f : flag - transparency (0..1)

 1 : transparency

 0 : not transparency

c : transparency color - RGB format (0-0-0 ... 255-255-255)

 white : 255-255-255

 black : 0-0-0

i : interlaced (0..1)

 1 : interlaced

 0 : non-interlaced

v : version (0..1)

 0 : gif87a

 1 : gif89a

Example: /gif=(1;255-255-255;1;0)

PDF paper size: /pdfpapersize=(size;width;height)


0 - Custom size

1 - A0

2 - A1

3 - A2

4 - A3

5 - A4

6 - A5

7 - A6

8 - B5

9 - Letter (8.5"x11")

10 - Legal (8.5"x14")

11 - Tabloid (11"x17")

12 - AUTO (Letter, Legal, Tabloid)

13 - Original Size

width - custom width - specifies the paper width in Adobe PDF points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).

height - custom height - specifies the paper height in Adobe PDF points (1 point = 1/72 of inch).


/pdfpapersize=(0;300;400) - custom size

/pdfpapersize=(9;0;0) - letter size

/pdfpapersize=(12;0;0) - auto size

Renaming of files



Example: /inputfile="C:\TEMP\*.jpg" /outputfile="C:\TEMP\*.gif" /prefix="begin_" /suffix="_end"

Input file: 123.jpg, Outpur file: begin_123_end.gif

File printing


Example: ablebatchconverter.exe /inputfile="C:\TEMP\*.jpg" /print

Insert Text


You can create this string in the program - Actions tab | Add | Text

S - text string ("my text")

A - text alignment




P - text position










R - text rotate

 0-0 degree




C - text color (rgb)



F - font name ("Arial")

Z - font size

L - font style






X - x (horizontal) offset

Y - y (vertical) offset

H - shasow



B - border



T - transparency

 0-fully transparent

 1-fully opaque

D - detect Landscape/Portrait

 0-fully transparent

 1-fully opaque

O - current orientation



K - change background color

 0 - original background

 1 - changed background

G - background color for a text (rgb)




Example: ablebatchconverter.exe /text=("my text";1;0;0;0;"Arial";8;0000;0;0;0;0;255;0;0;1;16777215)

Rotate image (degree)





Example: ablebatchconverter.exe /inputfile="C:\TEMP1\WMF\*.wmf" /rotate=(90) /outputfile="C:\TEMP1\WMF2\*.wmf"

Deskewing Fine estimates the orientation angle of the lines of text and rotates the current image.
Rather than using a Hough transform like Deskewing, DeskewingFine performs progressive rotations to find the best orientation.


   SA - StartingAngle - The angle to start testing (0 if you don't know).

   RE - Resolution - The increments of angle tested (0.1 is good).

   RA - Range - The range of angles to test (specifying 10, for example, to test from -5 to +5).

   MQ - MaxQuality - if False, testing is only performed on a thumbnail to speed up processing (at the cost of accuracy).

   CR - Crop after deskewing (0 - false, 1 - true).

Examples: /deskewingfine=(0;0.1;15;1;0)

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