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Able Batch Image Converter
History log


+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature

Able Batch Converter

+ New action: Add Barcode (QR code)

Able Batch Converter

+ New settings: Actions list - Use this list by default
This is useful if you use the same actions. In this case, you will not need to load your list of actions manually.

Able Batch Converter

+ New language: Polish

Able Batch Converter

+ New action: Add GPS Location

Able Batch Converter

+ New action: Add / Change EXIF tag

Able Batch Converter

+ New input and output format: WebP.

Able Batch Converter

+ Sound notification after the batch process is completed.

Able Batch Converter

+ Added new methods for "Change Aspect Ratio" action: Extend and Trim (adding margins or cropping an image).

Able Batch Converter

+ Added new parameters for more convenient work with "Change Aspect Ratio" action (Auto Preview, Auto Color).
* Improved program performance when called from Explorer's context menu. All selected files are now included in one list.

Able Batch Converter

+ New action: Multi-page file | Delete ALL blank pages.

Able Batch Converter

+ The algorithm for determining the automatic color for the background is improved in the following commands: Canvas Size, Remove Hole Punches, Background and WallPaper.

Able Batch Image Converter

January, 2022

+ Ability to resize the program window.
+ New command: Conversion Preview. Allows you to see the result of the conversion before starting with a large number of files.

Able Batch Image Converter

June, 2021

+ All formats supported by WIC (Windows Imaging Component) are available. Extensions *.dds, *.wdp, *.jxr, *.hdp, *.heic, *.heif, *.heics, *.avcs, *.heifs, *.webp.

Able Batch Image Converter

March, 2021

+ New language: Italian.
+ New language: German.
+ New language: Chinese.
+ New language: Japanese.
+ New language: Korean.

Able Batch Image Converter 3.21

January, 2021

* Improved "Remove Punch Holes" tool.
+ New parameter "Tolerance" for "Auto Crop Line" action.
+ New language: Brazilian Portuguese.

Able Batch Image Converter 3.20

January, 2020

+ New action: Remove Black Areas
+ New parameter for "Remove Black Areas": Remove only areas near edge
+ New version of "GhostScript" plug-in.

Able Batch Image Converter 3.19

January, 2019

+ New file type: ORG - original. Allows to keep the original file type (extension).
+ Now program allows to remove pages in the Batch mode.
   Use "Multi-page file - Remove Pages" action.
+ New language: Dutch.
+ New command line parameter: /deskewingfine (estimates the orientation angle
   of the lines of text and rotates the current image).
+ Now program allows to edit the "ChangeColor2" action.
+ Ability to convert multipage files (TIFF, GIF, DICOM etc.)
   to AVI file (Video for Windows).

Able Batch Image Converter 3.18

February, 2018

+ New language: Arabic.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.17

February, 2017

+ New language: Spanish.
+ New action: Remove Punch Holes (automatically detects the location of punch holes on the image and removes them).
+ New command line parameter: /withoutsubfolders (e.g /inputfile="e:\temp\*.tif" /withoutsubfolders)
+ New action: Color Adjust -> Equalization
+ New values of "Resample Filter" ("Resize" action)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.10

March 15, 2015

+ New feature: Ability to choose necessary pages for "Rotate\Flip" command
  (in the Batch mode). All pages, odd or even.
+ New parameter: "Background color" for "Add Text (Watermark)" action
+ New command line parameter: for "Add Text (Watermark)" action
+ New command line parameter: /rotate=(angle). Allows to rotate images.
+ New feature: "Preview" window for "Deskewing" action.
+ New language: French.
+ New language: Hindi.
+ New feature: custom size for vector images (Can improve the quality and reduce pixelation).
- Fixed issue with size of ICO files.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.9

March 15, 2014

+ New action: Combine Annotations (2)
+ New: program allows to work with big PDF files
+ New parameter: Fit to page (Insert Image Watermark action)
+ New command line parameter: /pdfpapersize (allows to specify output size for PDF files)
+ New: program allows to work with video files using DirectShow
    (AVI, MPEG, WMV and other DirectX supported formats).
* Resolved: Issue with thumbnails in Windows Explorer

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.8

February 22, 2013

+ New feature: Ability to split pages in multi-page file and save into several single-page files
+ New feature: Ability to open output folder after conversion
+ Program loading is accelerated
+ New TIFF compression: ZIP, AdobeZIP
* Fixed: Selections on big images

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.7

November 20, 2012

+ New parameters: Overwriting duplicate files
+ New action: Change JPEG Quality
+ Color Management System (ICC profiles)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.6

March 08, 2012

- Fixed bug with deleting files
+ New parameters: Custom Filter (Add Folder command)
+ New parameter: Separator Character (Settings | Save | Multipage converting)
+ New action: Color Depth Change | 16 bit (per channel, color)
+ New action: Color Depth Change | 16 bit (gray)
+ New action: Color Depth Change | 4 bit (16 colors)
+ New parameter: Dominant Color ("Background and Wallpaper" action)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.5

April 15, 2011

+ New parameters for Resize action (Antialiasing and Resample filter).
+ New parameters: Save multipage file into PDF, PS, AVI, GIF, TIF, DCX format as ...
  (Several one-page files or Multipage file)
+ New variables for "Add Text" action: Pages-Number, Pages-Count 
+ New action: Change Color 2 (to transform a range of colors to new color)
+ New parameter: PDF Papper Size = Auto (Result tab | PDF | Advanced)
+ New parameter: Rename files - Original or Converted (Result tab)
+ New parameter: Change Resolution and Resize Image ('Change Resolution' action)
+ New parameter: PDF Paper Size = Original Size (Result tab | PDF | Advanced)
+ New parameter: Paper Size = AUTO (Plug-ins | Step 3)
+ Preview for PDF, EPS, AI files in OPEN dialog window.
* Improved: "/hide" command line parameter
+ Preview area for "CanvasSize" command (action).
+ Preview area for "Change Aspect Ratio" command (action).
+ New parameter: JPEG Compression (Settings | Save tab).
+ New command: Invert Selection (Files tab | Selection)
+ New command: Save Selected items to file (Files tab | Selection)
+ New parameter: {FileName} variable for Edit TIFF Tag action
+ Export/Import all settings into(from) a file (files list, actions list, program settings)
+ New action: Export Alpha Channel
+ New parameters for "Remove Alpha Channel" action
+ New action: Import Alpha Channel from File
+ New command: Files tab | Files List | Copy to clipboard
+ New command: Files tab | Files List | Paste from clipboard
+ New parameter-condition: "If image Wider than" (Resize action)
+ New parameter-condition: "If image Higher than" (Resize action)
- Fixed problem with PCD files. Program allows to open PCD files with maximum size
+ New parameter: DateTime Stamp (Settings | Save tab)
+ New parameter: Size for Background action
+ Ability to use Ghost Script Plug-In for 64bit OS
- Fixed bug with transparent GIF files.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.4

February 15, 2010

+ New action: Change Aspect Ration
+ New parameter for "Add/Remove Margins" action: Pages (All, Odd, Even)
+ New parameter: Keep folder structure (Result tab)
+ New action: Background and Wallpaper
+ New settings: Confirmations
+ New command line parameter: /deleteorig
+ New input RAW formats: *.dng;*.arw;*.rw2;*.rwl
+ New command line parameters for resizing: /prefix and /suffix
+ New command line parameters for printing: /print
+ New action: Convert to 32 bit
+ New settings: Rename files
+ New action: Add Border
+ New parameter: Preview for "Add Soft Shadow" action.
+ New action: Remove EXIF
+ New action: Remove All Metadata

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.3

September 05, 2009

- Bug with "Edit Tiff Tag".
+ New action: Remove Alpha Channel (Transparency)
+ New action: TIFF files | Remove Tag
+ New action: MULTI-PAGE files | Split pages
+ New action: MULTI-PAGE files | Reorder pages
+ New action: MULTI-PAGE files | Reverse of pages
+ Multilanguage interface.
+ New dialog window: "File Information" (Files tab)
+ New parameter in the Settings dialog: Renaming of files with identical names
+ Drag&Drop of ACTL files (Actions List)
+ Drag&Drop of BFL files (Batch File List)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.2

April 25, 2009

+ Converting of color depth to any number of colors.
+ New action. Add text (with transparency, shadow, border ...)
+ Auto Adjust Orientation
+ New parameter for "Crop" action: Detect Landscape/Portrait
+ New parameter for "Canvas Size" action: Detect Landscape/Portrait
+ New parameter for "Add Text" action: Detect Landscape/Portrait
+ New parameter (Settings dialog): Auto-Rotate by EXIF orientation tag
+ New parameter (Settings dialog): Dialog languages
+ New parameter (Settings dialog): Drag&Drop filter
+ New parameters: "Conditions" for "Canvas Size" action.
+ New variables for "Add Text" action: File, File with extension, Path
+ New action: "Color Depth Change | To ... bit" with Condition
+ New action: "TIFF | Combine annotations with background"
+ New command line parameter (/filelist="your-files-list")
+ New feature (Logging). Settings.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.1

September 25, 2008

+ New action: SetTransparentColor.
+ Drag and drop files and folders from Explorer (to the program window or desktop icon).
+ "Default compression" settings for TIFF files
+ New parameter for Resize action: Units
+ New parameters for Resize action: Condition | File size
+ New parameters for Resize actions from command line
+ Ability to delete original files after conversion
+ New supported RAW formats and cameras

Able Batch (Image) Converter 3.0

July 05, 2008

+ New action. Pixel Thickening.
+ New action. Pixel Thinning.
+ Drag and drop files from explorer.
+ New parameter (Canvas Size action). Background Color | Auto
+ New parameter (Canvas Size action). Transparency.
+ New parameter (Plug-in). Paper size.
+ New output parameters for PDF format. PDF Compression, PDF Paper Size.
+ New output parameters for PS format. PS Compression, PS Paper Size.
+ New command line parameter: /actlist="your-actions-list"

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.9

January 14, 2008

+ New action. Auto Crop Line.
+ New parameter. Preview for AutoCrop2 action.
+ New parameter. Preview and margins for AutoCrop action.
+ New parameter (Deskewing and Deskewing fine). Crop after deskewing.
+ New input format: DICOM (*.dcm;*.dic;*.dicom)
+ New input format: JBIG files.
+ Automatic B&W conversion (Threshold) with preview
+ New command line parameter: /deskewing
+ New command line parameter: /autocrop
+ New command line parameter: /autocrop2
+ New command line parameter: /pages

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.8

November, 15, 2007

+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - Adjust Image Luminosity.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - Auto Image Enhance 1.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - Auto Image Enhance 2.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - Auto Image Enhance 3.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - AutoSharp.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - HistAutoEqualize.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - WhiteBalance_AutoWhite.
+ New action. Auto Image Enhancement - WhiteBalance_GrayWorld.
+ New action. Add Soft Shadow.
+ New action. Color Adjust - Contrast 2.
+ New action. Color Adjust - Contrast 3.
+ New action. Change Color.
+ New command line parameter: /changecolor
+ Combining TIFF annotations with background
+ New action. TIFF file - Edit TIFF Tag.
+ New action. Watermark (with transparency, shadow and border)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.7

September, 27, 2007

+ New parameter: ("Select") for "Crop" dialog box.
-  Bug fixed: working with some EPS files.
+ New action: Canvas size
+ New command line parameter: /gif (output gif format settings)
+ New parameter: Child folder (Results tab | Output folder | Child folder)
+ New parameter: NoToAll (dialog box for rewrite existing files)
+ New action: Swap Color Channel

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.6

August, 07, 2007

+ New action: Crop - Center
+ New string for "Add margins" action
+ New parameter (Percent) for "Add margins" dialog box
+ New command line parameter: /jpeg (output jpg-jpeg format settings)
+ New command line parameter: /overwrite
+ New output parameter: "Rename file" (Result tab)
+ New parameter for "Resize" dialog box.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.5

May, 29, 2007

+ New parameter for AutoCrop2 action (Margins)
+ New parameters for Deskewing action (Angle Range, Precision and Edge Detect)
+ New parameters for Deskewing Fine action (Starting Angle, Resolution, Range
   and Max Quality)
+ Two automatic algorithms for B&W conversion (Threshold)
+ Plug-ins: manual and auto search
+ Actions moving
+ Actions editing
+ New command line parameter: Resizing with condition.

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.4

May, 07, 2007

+ AutoCrop dialog
+ Custom Crop function
+ Resize with Condition
+ New command line parameters (mask (e.g. *.jpg) for input and output files)
+ Saving Actions List to file.
+ Loading Actions List from file.
+ New command line parameter: /dpi
+ New command line parameter: /color
+ New command line parameter: /tiff
+ New command line parameter (/resize)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.3

March, 26, 2007

+ Automatic correction of the white balance for RAW files.
+ New output format - WMF
+ New output format - EMF
+ New output format - BMPRAW (real RAW, not camera RAW)
+ New input and output formats - Kodak PCD (*.pcd), DICOM (*.dcm;*.dicom), DR HALO CUT (*.cut), AVS (*.avs), Kodak Cineon (*.cin), Graphviz DOT (*.dot), SMTPE DPX (*.dpx), FITS (*.fits), FlashPIX (*.fpx), HDF (*.hdf), Matlab (*.mat), MIFF (*.miff), MTV Raytracer (*.mtv), Palm Pixmap (*.palm), HP PCL Printer (*.pcl), Apple PICT (*.pict), PIX (*.pix), PWP (*.pwp), RLA (*.rla), Irix RGB (*.sgi), SUN Rasterfile (*.sun), Scalable Vector Graphic (*.svg), TrueType/Postscript font (*.ttf), VICAR (*.vicar), Khoros VIFF (*.viff), XBM (*.xbm), GUMP XCF (*.xcf), XPM (*.xpm)

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.2

March, 10 , 2007

+ New output format - PSD
+ New output format - ICO
+ New action - Change Resolution
+ New action - Color Depth Change (24 bit, 8 bit, gray, B&W - 3 methods)
+ Image preview
+ New action - Color Adjust (Contrast, Brightness, Hue, Saturation ...)
+ New action - Effects (User filters, Bump map, Lens, ...)
+ Command line working

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.1

February, 22 , 2007

+ Resolution change for plug-in.
+ New action - 'Deskewing Fine'
+ New action - 'Auto Crop 2'
+ AutoCrop2 dialog box
+ New action - 'Negative'
+ New action - 'Rotate/Flip'

Able Batch (Image) Converter 2.0

December, 10 , 2006

+ Ability to convert PDF, EPS, PS, AI and PRN files.
+ Plug-in support


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