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video snapshot   Download free trial File size: 5.1M
  Order full version Price: $9.95
  Current version: (August 27 2024)
  History, PAD file

Able Video Snapshot

for windows 95, 98, me, nt, 2000, xp Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 11

How to take a snapshot of your video within Able Video Snapshot?

The program lets you take snapshots directly from your movie! (AVI, MPG, MPEG, VOB, WMV)
This means you can go to any point within a video clip,
capture a freeze frame picture, and save this image to your computers hard drive.

There are many uses for these snapshots.

  • You can use these video pictures to create title slides.
    I like to find an interesting video scene that seems to symbolize my movie and capture a snapshot of it.
    You could also add a title directly to the picture using a photo-editing program.
  • You could e-mail hi-light pictures of your video to friends and family.
    Not everyone can receive or view videos, so these pictures are a great alternative
    (and they don't take as long to download).
  • You can also use the snapshot feature to transform your camcorder into a low-resolution digital camera. Simply point your camcorder at your subject and later you can go through your video and take virtual snapshots directly off the captured video.

The actual process of taking these snapshot is quite easy.
While viewing a video clip in the preview monitor, pause the clip at an appropriate spot, and click "Snapshot" button.
Program will then ask you where you would like to save the picture.

Program allows to edit your snapshot before saving:

  • Color Adjust - Contrast, HSV, HSL, RGB, Equalization, FFT, Gamma correction,
  • Effects - User filter, Bump map, Lens, Wave, Morphing filters, Rotate
  • Auto Equalize
  • Undo

#Video #Snapshot


Video Snapshot - Screenshots
(click thumbnails to enlarge the image)

Main Window

snapshot from video


Download, Purchase

Free Download video snapshot File size: 5.1M

PURCHASE video snapshot ($9.95)


Video Snapshot - FAQ


I need to be able to take frame grabs of film credits on the fly. Having to stop and enter a filename for each shot wasn't going to work for me.


You can use

Options | Save | Automatically

Choose the necessary Path, File type and Name.


In this case you need to click "Snap Shot" button only.


Video Snapshot - Testimonials

Bill L.

By the way I use it to review AVI security video files. It is very handy. I have multiple purchased copies on multiple computers.

Barry Moore

We use your software to enable us to create outings for the REAL WORLD FLY FISHING simulator.

I use Able Video Snapshot to snap some picture out of my webcam video, and sometime I also used to snap some picture out of my anime. Video Snapshot really work great, it can snap some picture out of my wc video, even vlc cannot do it. I download version of Able Video Snapshot 1.1 from downloads.com as a trial version and really like it went online to purchase the full version one.

Zeno Joseph
I use this program when I video parties, church services,ect. I design dvd inserts and I use the snapshots to put on the cover.

Roland Meylan

1) What do you use AbleVideoSnapshot for? How does it help you?

To create a few snapshots of video clips created with divx codec

2) What do you consider to be the most interesting feature of the program?

It is easy to use and has a simplified GUI

Jill Molton

I did a search on the net to find a program to capture still images from video clips. Often, I use my camera in movie mode, and miss out on a lot of still pictures.. so this way I can continue taking my movies, then go thru them and take whatever still photos I want from them. Plus I have a few friends with slow dial up who can't view my videos easily, so I send them a bunch of stills from the videos instead.

Jim Ritter

Thank you for this very easy to use and useful software. I review high-speed digital recordings of aircraft seat crash tests, and this software makes it possible for me to capture scenes from the video for description and reporting.

Dana White

Thank you for this great program. I use it to pull video snapshots of my large family. Yours is one of the most intuitive programs I have tried, and the video snapshots are very clear.

Eduardo Homem

I use the program to get photos of my videos. With the video frames one find images very difficult to obtain with a photo shooting. Your program is the best I know in what concerns high quality snapshots and LARGE enough . So the most interesting feature is the SIZE of the snapshots: LARGE with QUALITY.


Video Snapshot - Awards

 5 star   5 star   5 star  5 star


  5 Gold Disks      Video Snap Shot   









At the moment, we are working on other graphic tools. If you think you would be interested in such programs and in future releases of Video Snapshot, please subscribe to our mailing lists on these products and we'll let you know as soon as they are released. All details are here.


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