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Easy Photo SlideShow. History log

+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature

Easy Photo Slide Show 2.21


+ New user settings: Zoom Filter.

Easy Photo Slide Show 2.19


+ New user settings: Allow only one instance of the program to run.
+ New user settings: Window State (program saves the window state and position).

Easy Photo SlideShow 2.18


+ Ability to save and restore the toolbar position (top, bottom, left and right).

Easy Photo SlideShow 2.17

September, 2017

+ New command line parameter: "/foldermonitor". Allows to monitor selected folder.

Easy Photo SlideShow 2.7

April, 15, 2016

+ Ability to automatically open the previously selected folder at program starting.
+ Ability to hide cursor on full screen mode.


Easy Photo SlideShow 2.0

December, 5, 2006

+ Panorama mode
+ Autoscrolling
+ Full Screen Preview on Browse mode

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.9

September, 15, 2006

+ 'Title' property from WinXP as Caption
+ Possibility to delete the file during slideshow (DEL button).
+ Multiple images per Slide

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.8

May , 25, 2006

+ GetRGBChannel command (copies the R, G and B channels to a separated files).
- Project Manager: bug fixed;
+ Individual orientation, transition and interval for each image (Project manager)
+ Gradient filling.

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.7

January, 10, 2006

+ Folder monitoring
+ Global caption
+ Zooming (popup menu or +/- buttons)
+ New transition effects
+ The command line parameter "/start" has been added. SlideShow start automatically.
+ The command line parameter "/showdelay=" has been added. Default value is 3000 millisec (3 sec).
+ WebGallery with the slideshow (using IE transitions)
+ Watermark

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.6

December, 25, 2004

+ The opportunity to change a position of a sound file in the playback list.
+ Synchronization slides with audio.
+ Sound recording for the playback list (voice recording or music by Mic).
+ Access to the rotation controls from the pop-up menu (right click).
+ Choice of the buttons size in the tool bar.
+ Removing the Red Eye effect (caused by flash photography)
+ Color adjusting.
+ Color mode converting.
+ Effects (Negative, Bupmap, Lens, Wave, Morph, User filter)
+ Converting to Adobe PDF, PostScript PS, EPS, Wireless bitmap
+ Web gallery (see Project Manager)

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.5

October, 15, 2004

+ The Up and Down buttons has been added in the Project manager.
+ The Extensions filter has been added in the Project manager.
+ The "Include sub-folders" check box has been added in the Project manager.
+ The Rotate buttons has been added in the main window.
+ The effect list editor has been added.
+ The Image Browser has been added. Allows to perform normal viewing functions and file management tasks
(rename, move, copy, delete, e-mail, favorites list, print, edit, get image information, sort).
+ Three printing modes have been added.
1 - Print the currently Selected Image(s).
2 - Print All Images in the current folder.
3 - Print Thubmnails for all images in the current folder.
+ Automatic choice of best orientation for printing has been added.
+ Saving of the rotation settings for each file has been added.
+ The rotation selection for each file in the Project Manager has been added.
+ Operations for edit of images have been added (to rotate, flip, resize, crop).

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.4

February, 15, 2004

+ Multiple file selection in Project manager has been added
(you can hold SHIFT down and select a range, or hold CTRL down and select multiple photos).
+ The Sorting button in Project manager has been added.
+ The hot keys in Project manager have been added.
"Alt+A" - Add a file to the list, "Alt+R" - Remove a file from the list.
+ 22 new transition effects have been added.
+ The command line parameter "/splash" has been added.
Suppresses display of the splash screen during program startup.
+ The command line parameter "/exit" has been added. Finishes the program after end of slide-show.
+ The command line parameter "/fullscr" has been added. Running program in full screen mode.
+ Creation of a slideshow project as standalone executable EXE file or SCR file (screen saver) has been added.

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.3

September, 7, 2003

+ Project manager has been added.
+ Adding and removing files in project from any folders (with preview).
+ Opening and saving projects.
+ New extension associated with program has been added (PSSP - Photo SlideShow Project).
+ Launching from command line has been added (folders, files or projects).
+ Program context menu in Explorer has been added.
+ Description Manager has been added. Addition and viewing of the graphic files description.
The information is stored directly in files with JPG, JPEG, JPE, TIF, TIFF, FAX, G3N, G3F, TGA, TARGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX, GIF,
PXM, PPM, PGM, PBM extension.
+ The panel for display of the files description has been added.
+ Hundred (100) new transition effects with previewing have been added.
+ Selection of background color, background image and background image mode of slideshow window
has been added.
+ Captions in SlideShow have been added.

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.2

May, 28, 2003

+ Full screen mode.
+ Hide cursor on full screen mode.
+ Background color selection.
+ Start and Stop buttons.
+ HotKey buttons (Front, Back, Stop, Start, Exit from full screen mode).
+ Sound Playback of WAV, MID and MP3 (only if in system installed MP3 codec) files.
+ Zooming using Mouse-Wheel

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.1

December, 15, 2002

+ Scaling options have been added.

Easy Photo SlideShow 1.0

December, 01, 2002

= First version.


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